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How VoIP Hiway Works

Works just like any regular phone line
Save up to 66% compared to Traditional Telephone!

is a leading edge technology that transforms your high speed Internet connection into a regular phone line. But unlike old Internet phone technology, you don't need headphones, software or even a computer. You simply connect your existing phone to your ADSL/cable modem using our adapter and you can start making and receiving calls right away. That's all! No technician appointments! Here's an illustration of how it works:

How it Works Illustration

comes with your own phone number and it works just like any regular phone line. You can call anyone and anybody can call you. You have the option of using the number we provide you or keep your existing number. Best of all, is on average, 45% cheaper than your current phone company.

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No More Long Distance Charges

With , you will save a bundle on long distance. Any calls you make or receive within your home area code is considered local and is FREE*! You do not have to pay any long distance charges! You can travel or even move to another country and call friends and family just like if you were at home. With the Unlimited Plans, all calls within the US & Canada are also free!

* Calls are only free if it is considered to be local by the leading telephone provider in your area. Actual area codes and prefixes for local calling may vary.

Here are 2 examples of how you can get free long distance calling by using :

Let's say you live in Vancouver but you are traveling to London. Simply bring the adapter along, plug it into your hotel's high speed Internet line and into your phone there. You will instantly get a dialtone. You can call anyone in Vancouver. Anyone can reach you at your (604) phone number. These calls are considered 'local' and there are no long distance charges.

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Have a friend/relative abroad who you call regularly? With , you can call them and they can call you anytime, free of charge.

Let's say you live in Victoria but your parents live in Shanghai. Sign your parents up on and send our adapter to them Shanghai. They simply plug in their phone to our adapter and their high speed Internet line. You (or anyone in Victoria) can call them at their (250) number - free of charge. They can call you (or anyone else in Victoria) - also free of charge.

Cheaper Convenient Portable

Traditional phone technology will be obsolete soon. Make the switch today.

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Freedom to Move Your Phone Service

Another benefit of using is portability. gives you the freedom to move your phone line anywhere, anytime you want. You can receive phone service anywhere in the world, all you need is high speed Internet access. No technician setup is required and no expensive re-connect fees.

Here is an example of how you can receive phone service from anywhere.

Let's say that you rent or have to move regularly. Simply bring our adapter with you, plug it into the high speed Internet line at your new location and you will receive a dial tone immediately. Anyone who calls you at your old number will get through to you at your new location. You do not need to configure anything. There is no need for any technician visits. There are no move fees.

Cheaper Convenient Portable

Traditional phone technology will be obsolete soon. Make the switch today.

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